Release 5.7

Hello everyone! 👋

It's been a while! We're excited to let you know that we've made several improvements and added some key features to Weglot.

Improvement Improved project and workspace search functionality

If you have multiple projects or workspaces, our new streamlined search makes it easier to find what you need. The search bar will now appear automatically in the switcher when you have over 5 projects, helping you navigate faster.

Improvement Enhanced bulk action options

To improve your translation workflow, we've added new bulk action options. You can now efficiently manage your translations with features like bulk deletion for URLs, managing exclusions, handling dynamics, applying variable suggestions, and identifying inactive translations. These tools make it easier to edit and oversee your translations.

Improvement Clearer export file naming

We've improved the clarity of export file names to make them more informative. Now, when you download an export file, it will include the type of export (e.g., translation, glossary, exclusion) along with a unique ID. It's now even simpler to identify and manage your files.

new Preview in setup

Not ready to update your DNS records while setting up a project or switching to subdomains or subdirectories? With our new sandbox preview, you can now test Weglot in a dedicated environment. Preview your translated website safely—any changes are visible only through a special link and won’t affect your live site. Once you’re ready to complete your setup, all updates will quickly transfer to your live website, so nothing is lost! 

new Post-Setup Checklist

Whether you're setting up a new project or still fine-tuning your current one, we’ve added a handy checklist to help you discover important Weglot features you might have missed. This guide ensures you get the most out of Weglot from the start!

update Weglot for private application

We've often been asked, "Why isn't your translation tool translated?". It's the classic case of the cobbler's children having no shoes. So, we've worked on a feature to translate our own Dashboard, which will soon be available in multiple languages. And since we love to share, this translation feature for SaaS, platforms, internal dashboards, etc., will soon be available to everyone.

We're excited to share these updates with you, and there's even more on the horizon! Look forward to new features focused on assignment management and enhancing your translation workflow, coming soon!

If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at

Release 4.60

Hi everyone, this cumulative changelog covers a few releases over the month of August. It's a mix of continuous improvements, and a big rework of authentication to make it easier to login with Google & other providers, including enterprise-specific single sign-on. 

This also prepares the arrival of the "Organization" feature, which will make it easier to handle big teams working on multiple projects in Weglot. 

new SSO sign-in

You can now login to Weglot using your Google account, as well as your corporate account provided it supports SAML-based authentication (for enterprise-level customers only - contact us at if you're interested).

update  Page views

We released the new Page views statistics a few weeks ago, and now it's time for a first wave of user experience improvements based on your feedback. We've made the "language" display clearer by adding human-friendly label, as well as a visual indicator of whether a language is already translated or not. 


update URL exclusion

When you decide to exclude an URL or an URL range from future translation, Weglot will now ask you if you'd like to delete the associated translations that have already been created. 

You will also get a visual indicator that a URL has been excluded while browsing your translations. 

update Workflow

We want to make it easier for you to find new content and work on it by manually reviewing and editing translations. Expect a few upgrades in that direction in the next releases, but we've already made a few changes in that direction

  • In the URLs page, you can now sort URLs by "most recently created", so you'll have easy access to new pages that might require manual review. 
  • The default sort when accessing your translations will show you content that was newly created and active on your website. 

Improvement Various

  • The glossary import & export feature has been reworked. It will give you an enhance preview when importing, as well as better information whenever an error occurs.
  • External links aren't created by default anymore, but have to be added manually. 
  • At registration, we'll tell you if your password doesn't match validation rules before you click any button. 
  • We have better compatibility with password managers, which won't try to fill up Weglot form fields that have nothing to do with them. 

Release 4.56

Hi👋This week's release marks the return to our regular updates after the major technical update of release 4.54, and includes a number of quality of life improvements. 

beta Work has begun on the "Organization" feature, which will allow you to better organize multiple projects and team members. If you'd like to be involved in its development or would be interested in testing it, please reach out to!

new URL merging

You're now able to associate all translations present on a URL to another URL, allowing you to handle scenarios where content has been moved from page to page and helping with big content migrations.

new Search and filters in Exclusions page

You're now able to search and filter exclusion rules in their dedicated page, which will help maintaining huge projects with complex content structures. 

Improvement Billing Address Autocomplete

You'll now get an helpful autocomplete when setting or changing your billing address. 

Improvement URL cleaning

URLs will now get deleted automatically whenever all of the translations associated with them are removed. 

Improvement Integrations

  • (WordPress) We've released a version 3.7.2 of the WordPress plugin to deal with compatibility issues with certain WordPress hosting solutions. 
  • (JS) Added an option to disable cookies added for logging purposes. 
  • (Shopify) Improvements to the translations in certain cases during checkout. 
  • (Squarespace) Properly translate additional login menus. 
  • (Salesforce) Fixed an issue where translations would interfere with some UI components. 

Improvement Security

  • Disabling 2FA on your account now requires that you re-authenticate through it.
  • Changing the email on your account now requires verifying the new email address.

fix Various fixes

  • Fixed an issue where search strings weren't displayed after a reload. 
  • Fixed a rare issue where translations couldn't be edited without reloading the page after creating a variable.

Release 4.55

Hi 👋 This week's release major feature is a step towards giving you more tools to manage your active and inactive translations. 

As always, if you'd like to suggest improvements to the product, click on "❓" and "Feedback" from your Weglot dashboard!  

[Major] Ability to mass delete inactive translations

We’ve added an easy solution to delete all inactive translations (or only the ones you haven’t worked on manually) without having to go through the Translation List. You can access it through the Inactive Translations page


  • Fixes to the behavior of Weglot’s auto-switch with Filipino-speaking users.
  • Fixes to the behavior of Weglot’s auto-switch in incognito mode.


  • The WordPress plugin had a major release, 3.7, you can see what’s included here!
  • Improvements to our compatibility with Shopify apps checking for the users’ language.

Release 4.54

This week’s release focuses on a major technical upgrade to the framework used by the Weglot Dashboard. This is mostly under the hood and invisible to you, but improves reliability and opens the door for further improvements such as SSO. Stay tuned for that!

[New] URL-wide operations

You’re now able to easily order professional translations or export all your translations by selecting one or multiple pages.

[New] WordPress plugin 3.7

The new version of the WordPress plugin, version 3.7, has entered beta and will be released in a few days. It includes the following:

  • Access to the visual language switcher editor to easily customize the look of your switcher and preview the change live.
  • Improvements to the language switcher accessibility.
  • Better performance in the WordPress admin.
  • The ability to easily translate PDFs sent by some Woocommerce invoicing plugins.

If you’d like to beta test it, please reach out to us at

[Improvement] Squarespace Integration

We’ve made multiple changes to improve the experience for the newly released Squarespace native integration

[Improvement] Dashboard Interface

  • You can now access the edition of your translations directly from the homepage.
  • [Enterprise] The custom language creation flow handles erroneous inputs better.
  • [Enterprise] You can now more easily filter URL slugs by whether they’re translated or untranslated.

Bug fixes

  • Multiple fixes to the translation of the Shopify checkout.
  • A fix to how the Visual Editor handles some edge cases of Javascript-based navigation.

[Beta] Subdirectories

We’ve made several improvements to the technical setup flow for the Subdirectories - the ability to put your Spanish-translated pages under… and the same domain as your main website. If you’d like to beta test this feature, reach out to us at

Translations List filters, activity log update, and statistics

updateTranslation list filters  

We’ve now made it possible for you to select multiple filters within each value from your Translations List. For example, you can select both automatic and manual translation. 

This is useful if you want to view your translations based on a number of filters and also helpful when exporting translations directly from the Translations List. 

To access this feature, navigate to your ‘Translations List’ and then select the relevant filters from the dropdown, combining the filters as required.  


updateActivity log

The recently launched ‘Activity log’ has now been updated to include details of when someone makes a change to a glossary rule.


For those with several languages on their Weglot project, your homepage will now give a general overview of all your translation requests. 

You can then navigate to your ‘Statistics’ tab to view in detail each separate language. 

Note: Statistics are only available for those on a Pro plan or above. 

Activity log, project progress bar and glossary update

new Activity log 

You can now view all the activities associated with your Weglot project through a dedicated page ‘Activity events’. Here you can filter by ‘User’ and then the type of activity that was carried out. 

This is useful as it gives you a clear overview of any activity that has taken place and by which team member. 

To access this feature, go to the homepage of your Weglot Dashboard, and on the right-hand side under ‘Activity’ click on ‘+ View more’. 

UPDATE Glossary custom language 

The glossary feature has now been fixed to ensure any rules you make with a custom language where there’s no language provider selected (for example British English to American English) will be applied. 

UPDATE Project progress bar 

We’ve made a small update on your Weglot Dashboard homepage to show the exact percentage of your current word usage and translation requests when you hover over it. 

This gives you a simple overview so you know when you’ll reach your monthly limit. This is only visible if you have 1 project. 

Search and replace feature returns and new translations management update

update Search and replace returns

We’ve brought back the search and replace feature within your Translations List. This makes it easy for you to find and replace certain translated words quickly and in bulk. 

This is useful if you want to change a particular translation across the whole of your website. To access the feature go to your Translations List > language pair and then click on the icon next to the search bar. 

A box will appear where you can search your translations (in the translated language) and replace with a different translation. You can also choose between case sensitive or not. 

Click ‘Replace xx translation(s) and the change will be made in all of your translations in the Translations List and across your website - the translation will then be renamed ‘manually edited’. 

Note: the glossary feature is more suited to those that would like to set up a rule so a particular word is always replaced by a different one automatically, rather than manually using the search and replace. 


new  Filter translations by ‘reviewed by’ 

It’s now possible to filter your translations by the team member (or translator) that reviewed, edited, or ordered a professional translation. 

This is useful for your translation management workflow as you can quickly see who in your team has edited which parts of your website. 

To access this feature, navigate to your Translations > Translations list and use the filter to select the team member or translator from the dropdown. 

Importing translations change, Visual Editor improvement, and Weglot Shopify App update

update Importing translations

We’ve added a new option to the import feature located in the Translations List section of the Weglot Dashboard. When you upload a CSV or XLIFF file with your edited translations, you’ll now see a new option to toggle on or off if the file includes translations that haven’t been changed from the ones exported from the Translations List. 

For instance, if you’re importing your translations and you have not made edits to some of the automatic translations but you’re happy for them to be displayed on your website, you can toggle on the option ‘Mark unchanged translations as reviewed’. This means they will now be displayed as a ‘Manually edited translation’ in your Translations List.  

If you don’t wish to do that, then keep the toggle off. Those translations will remain as an ‘Automatic translation’ in your Translations List. 

We’ve also made a couple of other small updates:

  • Emojis are now better handled in XLIFF and CSV imports
  • The type of content e.g. text, media, meta SEO are now clearly marked in your translation exports 


update Easier media translation through the Visual Editor 

For those editing through the Visual Editor, we’ve now made it easier to make a change to your media files. 

Simply hover over an image/video and click on the blue pencil icon to replace the media file and to edit the alt text translation. You no longer need to add the media file through your Translations List first. 

update Shopify App 

We’ve updated the Weglot Shopify translation app for an improved user experience. You can now use subdomains to display the translated versions of your store (e.g. https://fr.mywebsite/). 

This is particularly appealing for store owners who want an improved localization experience for their customers as the subdomains will now be visible to human visitors, instead of only bots. 

If you’re already using the Weglot Shopify app you’ll need to make a change in the DNS records of your domain name provider (you can watch our tutorial videos on how to do that). 

Essentially, you’ll need to create a CNAME entry with the 'host' as the 2 letter language code of the language you’ve added to your store, and then point it to 

After you’ve done that, return to your Weglot App settings in the Shopify dashboard and follow the simple setup instructions once you’ve clicked ‘Activate subdomains.’ 

update Glossary 

When you add a translation rule to the Weglot Glossary such as ‘Always Translate’ along with your chosen word or term, any time the translation appears in your Translations List, it will now be marked as a ‘Manual edited translation’. 

Glossary rule update, change associated URL of multiple translations and switch between languages directly in your translations list

update Glossary rule

You can now add a glossary rule to one, multiple, or all language pairs. This makes it easier to set up glossary rules across your multilingual website. 

To access this feature go to your Weglot Dashboard > Translations > Glossary. Simply click on the ‘Add glossary rule’, add the word you want to make a rule, and then select which language pair you want to apply the rule to. 

new Associated URL

It’s now possible to select several translations at once and change the ‘associated URL’. 

Go to your Translations > select the language pair then click on the translations you want to change the associated URL of and click on the three dots in the bottom right corner. 

Click on ‘Change associated URL’. A box will appear, simply select the associated URL you’d like to add the translations to. 

update Switch language in translations list 

We’ve now added a useful button to your translations list that enables you to switch between your languages without having to go back to the translations tab. 

This makes it more efficient when you want to access your different languages and make edits. 

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