Translate URL slugs, export source language only, clearer translations management

new Translate URL slugs

We’ve now made it possible for you to translate your URL slugs if you’re on an advanced plan or above. This is a useful feature for those looking to localize their website even further. This feature is available for WordPress users and currently in beta for other CMS. 

To translate your URL slugs, go to your Translations tab > URL Slugs. 

Select the language of the slugs you’d like to edit and use the box to either manually edit the URL slug or use the ‘auto translate’ button for machine translation. 

Note, if your slug is found in multiple URLs, it will be translated across them all. 

For example:


The word ‘features’ appears in both slugs, therefore if you choose to translate ‘features’ it will also be translated in the second slug too:


Note: If you are using WordPress as your CMS you will need to redirect your default non-translated URLs to the newly translated ones. For example, redirect to your newly created translated URL (this will happen automatically for other CMS subdomain integrations). 

newExport source language only

For those exporting their translations through the Weglot Translations List, you now have the option to only export the ‘Source language’. This means you can export all the words on your website in its original language, without any translations. 

To access this feature go to your Weglot Dashboard > Translations and click on the ‘Export’ button. 

new Restore translation 

You now have the option to restore your translations, whether that’s to the original machine translation or if you made numerous manual changes. 

To access this feature go to your Translations, select the language pair and then click on the individual translation and ‘see details’.  

In the ‘History’ section, click on the clock icon to restore to your preferred translation. 

update Translations management update

We’ve now made it clearer in your translations list change history when you make an edit or approve a machine translation. Click on the ‘see details’ part of a translation.   

Under the ‘History’ tab, you can now tell if someone has made a manual edit or simply approved the machine translation.

  • ‘Changed by’ is a manual edit by someone
  • ‘Marked as reviewed’ is approving the machine translation without making any changes

Select multiple URLs at the same time, reorder your language switcher + visual editor update!

new Filtering translations by URL: select multiple URLs

When filtering your translations by URL, you now also have the possibility to select multiple URLs at the same time. This can be useful if you want to approve all the translations of multiple URLs or send multiple URLs for professional translation etc. 

To access this feature go to your Translations list > select the language you want to edit. Then use CTRL or ⌘ and click on the URLs you want to select.  

new Reorder your language switcher 

It’s now possible to reorder the languages in your language switcher. This is useful if you’d prefer to choose which language appears at the top or bottom of your language switcher. 

To access this feature go to your Settings tab in the Weglot Dashboard > Language switcher. Scroll to the bottom of the page and drag and drop the language to change the position. 

update Visual editor 

We’ve now made it even easier to see where a specific translation is on your website through the visual editor. This is useful if you’re updating a single translation in your translations list and you want to see where exactly the translation appears. 

To access this feature go to your Translations list > and select the language you want to edit. Then click ‘see details’ of the translation. Here you can access the visual editor. 

Once you’re on the visual editor, you’ll see the specific translation has been highlighted.  

Updated statistics & usage, add notes to your translations and Portuguese + Brazilian Portuguese available

update Updated statistics & usage 

We’ve improved how the information is displayed on your statistics and usage pages. This now gives you a better oversight of your stats so you can quickly see important information for your multilingual website(s). 

It’s especially useful if you have numerous languages or a number of projects. 

Access your statistics via the ‘Statistics’ tab on your Weglot Dashboard. 

If you have more than one multilingual project you can view your project usage from the homepage of your dashboard and click ‘View usage by project’. You’ll then be taken to your projects page which looks something like this:

new Add translation notes

You now have the option to associate notes with your translations. 

This can be useful if you are managing the editing of your translations with a team or with external translators. Add a note so your other teammates have context to your update, or leave a note for yourself - helping improve your post editing workflow. 

You can access this new feature by going into your Translation list and selecting the language pair you’d like to edit then click on a specific translation See details > Information. 

Add your note then click ‘Save note’.

new Portuguese + Brazilian Portuguese now available

You can now choose between Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese so your website can target different Portuguese speaking markets with the correct spelling and grammar, allowing for better localization.  

Glossary rule import

new Glossary rule import 

You now have the option to import a CSV file with up to 500 glossary rules in your Weglot dashboard. 

This can be useful for a number of reasons. If you have numerous words or short phrases you don’t wish to translate, this method will save you time. It’s also good for team collaboration, for example you can share your CSV file internally to get the input of your team. 

To access this feature go to your Dashboard > Translations > Glossary > Import:

Then add your CSV file here:

You can download an example file to ensure you fill out the correct fields for your glossary rules. 

Once uploaded, click ‘Import’ to finalize the process. If you already have an existing rule for a specific word and you have updated that rule within your CSV upload, make sure you select ‘Update existing glossary rules’ if you want to override it. 

External links translation, Notification Center and Pro translations order management

new External links translation

You now have the option to change external links (links to domains outside your own domain) depending on the language.

This can be useful if you’re linking to a resource on an external website in English for your English website (for example: and you want to link to the same resource in Spanish on the same external website ( or to another resource.

You can activate this feature in your Dashboard > Settings > General page:

Then, you will be able to see a new filter in your Translation List where can handle all your external links:

new Notification Center

You might have seen it already, we’ve added a new notification center on the Weglot dashboard. For the moment, it will let you know if you have a big task in progress (like exporting translations) and notify you when the task is complete.

We plan to use this Notification Center for other purposes later on.

new Pro translations order management

You can now see what translations within your Translation List have been added to your Pro translations cart (Added to cart) or are already under translation by a professional translator (Ongoing translation).

This will help you better manage your translation process and know when a translation element is already in your cart or being taken care of.

Export translations based on filters and exclude URLs by language pair

new Translations list export 

We’ve now made it even easier to export your translations by giving you the option to export by:

  • URL
  • Translation type (text, media, meta)
  • Translation quality (automatic, manual, pro)
  • Specific string 
  • CSV or XLIFF

This is useful if you want to for example, export all your automatic translations to have them reviewed outside of the Weglot dashboard or just the translations of a specific page.

To access this new feature, go into your translation pair, use the filter to select what quality or translation type you want to export, select the translations individually or by URL (select all) and click the ‘Export’ icon.  

Once your export is completed, you’ll receive an email notifying you that the file is ready. 

Note: you can still choose to export all your website translations by using the export button before you go into your specific language pair. 

new Exclude URLs per language

You can now choose to exclude a specific URL from translation based on a language pair. 

This is useful if you want to exclude page(s) from being translated in only one specific language.

To make use of this new feature go into your Settings > Translations exclusions then ‘Add rule’. Make your exclusion as usual, but select which language pair you want to apply it to (you can still choose to exclude it for all languages by clicking on each language). 

Manage URLs, transfer ownership and new Prestashop module

new Better manage your URLs (beta)

You can now better manage your URLs from your Translation List. This new feature allows you to:

  • scan the URLs of your website
  • see if any translations are linked to a specific URL
  • fetch the content of a specific URL
  • delete URLs from your Translation List

This is very useful if you want to delete a batch of URLs displayed on your Translation List that don’t exist anymore. It also makes it easier to fetch the current content of a page and generate the associated translations.

To find this new feature: Go to the Translation List of one of your language pairs and click on “Manage URLs” at the bottom of your URLs list.

This feature is still in beta. If you have any issues or feedback, please contact our support team.

new Ownership transfer

Transfer the ownership of a Weglot project to someone else in your project’s team. The person you transfer the ownership to must be a member of the project team and he/she must have a subscription plan big enough to accommodate the new project (The number of translated words, translated languages, etc … must match the needs of the transferred project).

This is very useful if you’re a web agency or freelancer and you would like to pass the project to your client for example.

Find this new feature under Settings > Team > Transfer ownership

new Prestashop module available!

The official Weglot module for Prestashop is live on the Prestashop Addons Marketplace.

It’s now way easier to add the Weglot Javascript snippet to all your Prestashop pages thanks to this module instead of having to go through an FTP to add it.

New public changelog

Our team is happy and humbled to see you here! 

From now on, we will be using this page to announce new features on Weglot. You will be able to access it directly in your Weglot dashboard