Release 5.57

Hello everyone ! 👋

We're excited to share that we've made numerous improvements and added some important features that will soon be available!

Improvement  Increased User Limits

We've increased the number of users allowed per plan, here's the new breakdown:

  • Free: Up to 5 users
  • Starter: Up to 5 users
  • Business: Up to 5 users
  • Pro: Up to 10 users
  • Advanced: Up to 25 users
  • Extended: Up to 50 users

Feel free to invite someone to your project and collaborate with them!

Improvement Translation Export Extra Fields

We've added more details to your translation exports. When exporting your translations from the translation list or the Translations by languages page, you'll now see two additional columns: assigned to and created at. This should make managing and tracking your translations even easier.

Improvement  URL Management

We've revamped the way URLs are managed. Now, a single translation can be linked to multiple URLs. To make this clearer in the translation list, the detail panel will show up to 10 URL matches. This should help you keep better track of where each translation is being used.

Improvement Quality Improvements and Small Fixes

We've worked a lot on improving the overall quality of the platform, including numerous small fixes and enhancements. Here are some examples:

  • Wording for more comprehension: Updated the wording throughout the platform to improve clarity and understanding.
  • Activity event improvement: Enhanced activity event logging for better tracking and insights.
  • New emails: Introduced new email notifications to keep you better informed.

These are just a few examples of the improvements we've made. Stay tuned for more updates!

We're thrilled to bring you these updates, and there's much more in store! Stay tuned for exciting new features on project creation and assignment management coming your way soon!

If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at