Glossary update, 2-factor authentication (2FA) live & import feature update

new Glossary now linked to URL slugs translation 

Any rules you make within your Glossary are now linked to your URL slugs translation if you’ve chosen to automatically translate your URLs. 

For example, if you choose to ‘Never translate’ a certain word and that word is within one of your URL slugs, it will remain unchanged once you click the ‘Auto Translate’ button. You can of course override this if you want to make manual adjustments to your URL slug translation. 

To access this feature, first, create a Glossary rule within the Translations > Glossary tab. Then navigate to your URL Slugs tab and select all your URLs, certain URLs, or just one, then click ‘Auto Translate’. 

The selected URLs will then be automatically translated and any translation rules you made within your Glossary will be taken into account here too. To make a manual edit, just click inside the box and make your change. 

new Import feature error 

When importing your translations through the Weglot Dashboard, you’ll now receive an email notification if there are any errors (a missing word) within your file import. 

Any errors within the imported file will not be uploaded and instead, you’ll receive an email stating that some of the translations could not be imported and a link to download the CSV/ XLIFF file containing those errors. 

This allows you to quickly see the errors, fix them and easily re-upload the corrected file.

This is useful as it identifies any issues immediately and ensures you won’t have any untranslated content on your site. 

new 2-factor authentication

You can now activate a 2-factor authentication when accessing your account through the Weglot Dashboard. This adds an additional layer of security to the authentication process. 

To access this, click on your profile within the dashboard and then on ‘Account’. 

Scroll to the bottom of the page and toggle on ‘Two factor authentication. 

A popup will appear with a QR-code asking you to scan it. Download the free application "Google Authenticator" or any two-factor authentication application and scan the QR-code to enable an additional layer of security for your account. 

Once that’s validated, each time you log in to your Weglot account it will ask for an additional passcode sent to your phone generated by your two-factor authentication app.