Custom languages now available, updated URL management and glossary export now available

newCustom language

You can now create custom languages with Weglot. This is useful for those that want to display UK English or Latin American Spanish, or French Canadian, for example. 

Note, this feature is only available for those on an Advanced plan or higher. 

To access this feature, from your Weglot Dashboard, go to your Translations and click the ‘Add language’ button. 

Then, ‘Not in the list? Create a customized language’. 

To help with your custom language set up Weglot has created some pre-populated templates for popular options. But, if your language isn’t on the list you can manually create one. 

For example, here’s a pre-populated template for Spanish (Latino): 

Note, when you set up a custom language, you will choose the language that will be used to generate a first layer of machine translation. Languages such as French Canadian and UK English are available from MT providers, whereas Latin American Spanish will be by default Spanish, and then you can make your own manual edits. 

However, this part is optional, you can start with your original content as the first layer of translation. For example, if your website is in English and you want to add NZ English, you don't need to select an automatic translation language.

To finalize your custom language, click on ‘Add custom language’. The language will now appear in your Translations List. 

If you’re using flags to represent a language on your language switcher then you may want to make a modification to what’s displayed. 

Go to your Settings > Language Switcher and navigate to the bottom of the page. Click on the flag and select the flag of your choice. 

Don’t forget, if you’re using a subdomain integration you will need to update your subdomains and DNS entries in your domain name provider by going to your Settings > Setup and click ‘view info’ next to your new custom language and follow the steps. If you’re using WordPress this will be automatic. 

updateURL management 

Within your URLs tab, you can now arrange them by most and least translated to show you quickly how many of your URLs have been automatically and manually translated. 

This is useful to quickly see if you need to sync a URL or make more manual translations. 

You can also sort your URLs by most viewed. This can be useful in a number of ways, such as if you’re planning to manually translate your most important pages, you can immediately identify them through this feature. 

Access it by going to your Translations tab > URLs. 

update Export glossary 

You now have the option to export your glossary. Access this by going to your Translations > Glossary and click on the ‘Export’ button. 

You’ll then receive an email where you can download the CSV file. 

Note, this feature is only available for those on an Advanced plan or higher.